Kathua - Who are the accused?!

It seems like India has taken its title of 'Rape Capital' seriously and is leaving no stone unturned to retain it. Not a day is passed by without a single news article on sexual harassment. Where are all the nationalists?! (ooh! they're all busy with Hindu Ekta Manch, I forgot!). Well, more on that later.
This post is dedicated to the Kathua filth. 
It is high time we start naming the accused. Start showing their faces publicly. Our news titles should read differently. Where are the accused? Where are their faces in news? Why is Asifa being named and shown? Was consent for this taken from her family?!

A charge sheet reveals the accused names and gruesome acts. Read it at your own discretion. I've written a gist.


1. Sanji Ram, Former revenue official and custodian of Kathua’s Devisthan temple
- Mastermind behind kidnapping and administering sedatives
- Against Bakerwal community
- Motivates Hindu Community to not provide grazing land
- Seized goats of Rashid Bakerwal for watering cattle near his house and fined Rs.1000/- for releasing them
- Collected Rs.1000/- fine from Mohammad Yousaf Bakarwal for grazing his cattle in a forest pasture near his house.
- Asked his son from Meerut to come down and satisfy his lust
- Finally guided the team to dump the body in the jungle
Sanji Ram, Filthy Mastermind and Priest 

2. Shubam Sangra (Chuboo), Sanji's nephew
- Expelled from School due to unruly behaviour towards girls
- Kidnapped Asifa by luring her into Jungle
- Stopped Asifa from fleeing by holding her neck and mouth
- Forced sedatives down her throat from time to time
- Hid unconscious Asifa under mats in Devisthan
- Rapist
- strangulated the girl by applying force on both the ends of her chunni 
- In order to make sure that the victim was dead, hit her twice on the head with a stone 

3. Parvesh Kumar (Mannu)
- Stopped Asifa from fleeing by holding her legs
- attempted to rape her but could not do it

4. Deepak Khajuria (Deepu), Special Police Officer
- against the settlement of Bakarwals
- blaming the Bakarwals on one pretext or the other and used to threaten them
- Forced Sedatives
- Rapist
- Murderer

Deepak Khajuria, Filthy Policeman

5. Vishal Jangotra (Shamma), Sanji's son
- Rapist
Vishal's picture taken from his facebook account
(His Facebook profile has become very entertaining with all 'real men' showering mardaangi comments!)

6. Tilak Raj, Head Constable
- against the settlement of Bakarwals
- blaming the Bakarwals on one pretext or the other and used to threaten them
- Finance mediator in the crime

7. Anand Dutta, Sub-Inspector
- bribed investigating officer 

8. Surinder Kumar, SPO
- keeping watch on Bakarwals

P.S. Will keep updating this with their photos as and when i find them.


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